Saturday, April 19, 2008

Green, its not just a color anymore.

Walking through the Barnes and Noble I saw a table full of "green" books. Yes, at least a portion of the cover art was green, but I'm not talking about the color. Green is about an attitude of conservation. This isn't your Fathers conservative (unless your Father was a hippie). If you really want to know what is meant by green I suggest a quick review of the NYT Sunday Magazine from 4/20/08. Like much of the current writing it focuses on the notion of reducing one's carbon footprint. Meanwhile, in the opinion page of that same paper Nicolas Kristof suggests that the current efforts of government and corporations fall far short of what is required to make a real difference. In the meantime, we as individuals, with our low flow shower head, our hybrid car and our recycling project don't see the large scale willingness to change and sacrifice required to make a real difference. The high cost of fuel and food is getting our attention. I think change will be driven by both an increased awareness of problems and solutions, and by an increased willingness to change our behavior as individuals, as corporations and as a country.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Buying a HUD Home

Suddenly, down the street, there is a house with one of those signs in the window. A HUD Home, hmmm, could be a bargain? Well that may be, call your Realtor (or me if you don't have one) and take a look inside.

Don't have a HUD home down the street but want to see whats on the market? HUD Homes in Nebraska can be seen at a site called Best Assets. The HUD house is
being sold as is and you can't negotiate directly with the seller, but you can submit a bid that is less than the listing price and you can ask for a big portion of your closing costs to be paid. You can find out more at the HUD website, there are even special incentives for those who qualify. Hmmm, could be a bargain, but it depends on the house and you.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Spring rain gets me thinking about ...

... gardens and wet basements. Here in Lincoln it is not uncommon to see basement walls pushed in by the pressure of saturated ground. The walls crack and a damp basement may result. Yet when its dry out, keeping the lawn or garden green means running water from the city water supply and higher utility bills. Its seems to me that one could address both of these problems with rain barrels.

Keeping a basement dry is really a matter of discipline and landscaping. Paying attention to your home and landscapes ability to shed water is key to avoiding problems. A rain barrel or rain garden is a great way to get your attention and keep you thinking about rain water and run off.

Using the rainwater in the landscape can keep plants greener longer in a xeriscaped yard or supplement the regular watering of flowers and vegtables.

The City of Lincoln is offering support for raingardens through grants
What a great way to get started!

Let's Build a Home

Been thinking about building a home?
Perhaps you should consider a little advice from the White Stripes ... Rock On!