Monday, August 18, 2008

Good Mouse Hunting

As Dick Cheney might say "get them there so you don't have to get them here," or as Tom the Cartoon Cat Mr. Jinks is known to intone "I HATE MEECES TO PIECES!!!!!"

Over the years I've learned that if I go on the attack early and often I can keep mice out of my house. I have a little old fashioned garage (built for the Model T) that I use as a storage shed. Late in the summer its not unusual to see signs of the little creatures. Some dirt dug up, little mouse turds on an old rag and its time to set the traps. I prefer the victor traps with the plastic "cheese pad" and a dollop of peanut butter. Some mice are crafty and can eat the peanut butter with out setting off the trap, so I'll switch traps until I get them. Of all the traps I've tried, these have proven the most reliable. Once caught I throw the whole thing away. Disposable gloves are a good idea as mice can carry disease.

I don't like to do poison because the mice can die in a hidden spot ... hidden from sight but not from smell. A good guide for dealing with mice is available from Lancaster County Cooperative Extension they also have lots of other valuable info for dealing with pests.

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